Here are some pictures from Louise & Adam’s wedding at her family’s home near Cambridge. The stubborn rain eventually cleared so the pictures go from brollies to evening sunshine. Almost every wedding I have photographed this summer has had similar weather and I’ve lost count of the number of umbrellas I have left behind. A particular talking […]
Category Archives: Wedding Photography
Many thanks to Ricardo & Paula for sending me this impressive magazine from Brazil featuring my photographs of their wedding. This tip-top “ONTOP” magazine features an eight page spread of 37 frames. Eagle-eyed readers will notice me listed in Portuguese as Buckingham Palace’s official photographer!
Here is a time lapse of Victoria & Maxwell’s Sussex wedding ceremony. Rather pleased with this one. I like the shot over their heads when they sit down – a quite different view. Victoria & Maxwell from Michael Powell on Vimeo.
Here is Paula & Ricardo’s wedding which I filmed as a time lapse. That figure in the white shirt dashing here and there is me. (I carefully packed my suit and took it all the way to Brazil then was too hot to keep the jacket on!). Look to the fountain at about 1:40 and […]